Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Latest email and my rant

I've had a very busy month but had time to write this letter to my family after getting emails with comments about religious stuff and/or opinions that just pissed me off. Enjoy.

A cousin wrote something I wish to comment on. She wrote:

Our guest speaker at church was a former Muslem whose father was head of the mosque in Columbus, Ohio, He now is head of Southwestern Seminary What a story he had. Of course, he was very knowledgeable about the Muslem religion (could quote chapter and verse of many things from Koran) but could also quote chapter and verse of the Bible which pointed out the errors of the Koran. I am hoping they taped hismessage from tonight's service. It was so enlightening. I'd love to be able to share it.

When I hear or read these kinds of comments I wonder "How do these people know that the Koran is wrong and the Bible is right? Billions of people know the Koran is right and the Bible is wrong and what proof do Christians have that all these people are wrong?" This is a big reason I'm an atheist, there isn't a good answer to why one religion is wrong and another is right. I searched and searched for this information and never found it. What I did find was a lot of apologists that didn't make sense. There are denominations within Christianity that think they are the one and only true way to Salvation. What makes them wrong and yours right? One would think God would've created only one easy to understand religion so we could all get along.

Another thing I was to address is a cousin's comment:

Summer, just a word about the "honor killing" article. That is horrible and it happens often even in the US. How can a father kill his own daughter like that. That is part of the Islamic religion. But I had to think about women killing their own children by abortion. That is just as horrible.

Yes, honor killings are horrible. When one can kill a child on the word of God just because they have been dishonored using the word horrible is an understatement. But comparing this to a legal medical procedure used by women who have thought long and hard to make a difficult decision is offensive and wrong. I know many of you feel differently about this subject, but making a statement like this shows you do not think about what the woman getting the abortion has been through. You make it sound like women wake up pregnant then unemotionally decided to get an abortion like making an appointment to go to the dentist. In most cases this is simply not what happens. Abortion is a horrible, difficult decision to make and it is not done easily, I know because I had one at 22.

I sent this email out this morning but I had privately sent an email to my cousin about the honor killings vs abortion issue on Sunday evening. She has chosen to ignore me as has others in this email list. I don't really know why they don't engage with me unless they feel it's pointless to argue with someone who has already made up her mind. I guess I know how they feel.....

Seriously, can you imagine saying to people that abortion is women killing their children? It boggles the mind. If she had said that to my face I would've exploded. It's an arrogant and childish position to take and it demeans the tough decision those women had to make to end their pregnancies. I'm still pretty upset about it.


Anonymous said...

If your cousin really understood dishonor killings, she wouldn't be able to make the comparison.

I'm with you on this.

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"

The Super Sweet Atheist said...

Ellen, thanks for your comment. I googled your name found and read your letter to King Abdullah II of Jordan. I was impressed with your research and hope that it made an impression on the King. Did the open letter make a difference this time? I hope it did.

Anonymous said...
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tina FCD said...

It never ends does it Summer.....