Friday, March 13, 2009

Stewart Rocks

The Daily Show is my favorite show to watch. I'm sad that it only comes on 4 times a week instead of 7. I'm also depressed when Jon and Stephen, on the Colbert Report, go on holiday and leave us with repeats.

Anyway, this week Jon Stewart has been ripping up CNBC and the reporting of Jim Cramer. It's been amazing to watch how news shows, the ones we trust, don't report the whole story and how the public is misled. Last night Jon interviewed the butt of his latest jokes Jim Cramer and I thought he did an excellent job.

I'm also concerned that a comedy show did a better job than the serious news stations on reporting this kind of fraud. But then again, it is why we watch The Daily Show.

From the Huffington Post. Enjoy!


Sean Wright said...

I thought this as well. Why is it left up to a comedian to be the one to do a serious analysis? I think the daily show got a big ratings kick out of it as well

Anonymous said...

I think that a lot, why I'm getting the news I trust the most from comedians? It's not fair, but at least it's fun! :)