What makes people do this? I think it's arrogance. This people think the message is more important than the facts. Facts that would lead the sheeple away from Jesus and into the darkness of sin. I see this arrogance and ignorance in my red-neck family members when they say they aren't interested in learning anymore. They are happy and content with what their pastor tells them and they are too busy to look up facts on their own. The trust they have in a pastor with an agenda is astonishing and sad.
Within my own family I've given up. It was frustrating and disheartening trying to get them to understand what Prop 8 in California was really about. It's sad that they can't and won't understand that pro-choice is about the lives of women and not about murdering children. It's maddening that some of my relatives believe that the world is less than 10,000 years old and think I'm being arrogant for not believing in ghosts and demons.
This election cycle and my trip to Kansas has brought many things to light about my place within my family. I've decided not to pursue any relationships with anyone who doesn't respect me. OTOH, I cannot be in a relationship with anyone who I can't respect. That's only fair, IMO.
Note: For another view on this picture see A Gentleman's Domain.