Friday, November 27, 2009

Another message of thanks from an atheist

Atheists are not ungrateful. Most of us are deeply aware of our good fortune, including the astronomical good luck to have been born at all. Our gratitude just doesn't go to God. It mostly goes to other people: people who have made life better, for us and everyone else. Pass it on: if we say it enough times to enough people, it may get across. And happy Thanksgiving! -- Greta Christina

At this point in my life's journey I am thankful for the ability to think for myself and to guide my life to a point of happiness and contentment. There is meaning to my life because of the people and activities I choose to have in my life. But I must say that even when I believed in a god I never had the belief that I was so important that God would bless me with a good life and yet choose to ignore another. It bothers me still when people give God credit for everything good that happens to them and yet ignore the bad things that happen to others.


Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

I had an interesting discussion recently regarding thankfulness here:

Good post.

The Super Sweet Atheist said...

Thanks for the link Mike. That was an interesting discussion and enjoyed several others as well. Hope you had a great holiday weekend!

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

You too, Tina!