Our state senator Dan Patrick sent us a newletter in which he complains about how he fought hard to keep spending down but met with great resistance. Then he writes this drivel:
Despite these disappointments, this session may have been the most successful session in history for Judeo-Christian values in Texas. I was honored to help lead the way along with other conservative leaders in both chambers. My first legislative success was to have the maxim "In God We Trust" displayed prominently over the Senate Chamber for the first time in Texas history. I also joined Representative Debbie Riddle in passing legislation that now inlcudes the words "under God" in our state pledge. Students will once again be able to invoke the name of their God at events, and the Bible can now be taught as an elective subject in our schools.
I was madder than $#@& and was provoked to write an email to the honorable Dan Patrick to give him an opinion he perhaps hadn't thought of:
I received your newsletter today and I must say I was appalled at your message. You claim to advocate fiscal responsiblity and yet spent our hard earned tax money to display a religious epigram in the Senate Chamber when clearly it is in violation of the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment. You wasted more of our tax dollars by putting religion into our state pledge and urge our youngesters recite this abomination.
I feel very strongly that teaching children about religion should be done in the privacy of their homes and churches and should not be a matter of state concern. I do not understand why you feel it is the state's responsiblity to expose our children to your religious values.
I pray you do not waste our hard earned money in this way again.
Thank you.
Nice, it is always great to throw their relion back in their faces.
It felt good to write and send my reply, but I'm still really pissed off. I mean, argghh! WTF?
I guess I'm just beyond words for the stupid and clueless in our government here in Texas. Morons!
/end small rant
Ah well, they're only human I suppose. I dunno if it's just in Texas where people try to steer everything to fit in with their own bizarre ideas. It seems to make their little world somehow seem a bit safer and cosy when they can have little slogans like this around.
Imagine: Nuclear bomb goes off in major American city, with threats against some cities in Texas, and these guys go:
"oh fuck, what are we gonna do, I'm shitting myself. Wait, hang on, look up there. 'In God We Trust'. Oh, that's better, I feel so much safer now."
We gotta throw it back in their faces or they will just keep on doing it
I wish I had the nerve to e-mail people like that. Good for you Summer!
Tex, as always, you are nuts...lol!
This guy sounded so full of himself, arrogant yet clueless, that I felt compelled to voice my opinion. It was very empowering and I want to do more to educated people to what the real purpose behind separation of church and state is.
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