Monday, July 14, 2008

How to respond to a friend

I got a goddy email from a friend. It was in good taste and not at all over the top. She's a good friend and has a reputation of being a sweet and thoughtful person so I sent this in response:
Hi Judy, thanks for the video and the message. It was nice.

Did you know that I'm an atheist? Have been for a very long time. Emails like this are no big deal, I just thought I'd let you know.

Love and hugs,

I sent an email with similar wording to an aunt who sent me a goddy email. Her response was that she loved me anyway and that my differing views didn't matter. I wrote her back letting her know that I appreciated her feelings.

There's hope for my family after all!


Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

I came out as an atheist to all my family and friends at once, so I only really get religious mail from folks at work. I just ignore them usually.

I like your response though. That's a nice way to do it.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog in researching the Tony Snow email. In my world, I have never come across an atheist. I know atheists exist but have not had an opportunity to converse. That said, I assume you realize that I am a Christian, but that is why I would enjoy visiting with you on occasion. I find your point of view quite interesting. I will refer to God at times, as He is important to me. Please, do not take it that I am here to convert you. I would just like to understand your views and perhaps how you came upon them. I will make irregular visits to your blog to see if you have responded. I hope your trip was a good one and that peace was had by all.

tina FCD said...

Hey Summer, I deleted my account at Atheist Nexus. I hardly ever went there.

DB said...

I think I am quite lucky to have grown up in a rather accepting Christian family who could care less what I believed as long as I didn't grow up to be a douche. I think your email was quite fair and polite. A lot of people simply do not know or think about atheism, so no need to react to them harshly. Unless of course the email said we are all going to hell! :-)