OK, here's my take on this. She's an ultra conservative fundamentalist christian and there is no way any of what we talked about could make her faith stronger. The reason is because she refuses to think outside the framework of this particular brand of christianity. I doubt if she really read what I wrote. Another thing, I think she wanted to say that I strengthen her faith just to get to me. It was an arrogant and unnecessary thing to say to me so the only motive was to gloat.
Here is what I wrote back to her:
You're welcome, I think. I have a feeling this is one of those pat answers Christians give to atheists just to get their goat. I'm honestly surprised that what I'm saying has strengthen your faith. I would've thought it was already quite strong and that what I have to say would not have matter one way or another. In other words, what I've discussed with you is really very old material that I thought you would've already covered in your previous studies and, in return, would've given me more of a challenge.
I'm not kidding myself, I have no delusions on challenging your faith on any level. My only hope was to get you to think outside the box, as I did, and make you go "Mmmmmmmm." Sadly, even if you did have the tiniest doubt or flimsiest qualm, you wouldn't feel comfortable enough in your faith to admit it to me.
That's too bad, because then we could really talk.
And I could be wrong.
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