Also, on a much more solemn note I've been getting comments from a nasty Christian troll on my post about Tony Snow. I finally had to let her know that she should seek help for her mental illness and that attacking my family was off limits.
On the subject of Christian nut jobs, there are several in my extended family that are just like this troll. Full of venom and hate while hiding behind the righteous facade of Jesus. Christians like these people make their religion look bad and, in fact, will drive people away. The Christians in my extended family hate me with a capital HATE, there is no love and "crying for my lost soul" by these Christians. The ones that might be feeling sorry for me don't let me know that they feel this way. That's fine with me. In fact, I'm glad they don't call or email me with pleas to join the sheeple.
If I was to give this troll any advice it would be to let her know her tactic doesn't work. Normal people don't want to be around you, especially atheists. People like you are one of the many reasons I am an atheist. People like you give good Christians a bad name.
Yeha, fuck 'em.
People are fucked I say.
Most of them are ignorant, stupid, ugly and extremely self centred and egotistical unfortunately.
Apparently many Christians think these rules don't apply to them somehow, but they do.
Who's the sexy chick in the photo? I have the same book but with a purple cover.
I can't sunbake as I burn real easy.
On the strength of your recommendation, I have just ordered that Hitchens book on Amazon.
I've got that one too. What's good about it is that you can pick and choose the ones that interest you the most rather than reading it from cover to cover.
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