Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Burning question

Lent. What a weird concept. Giving up ice cream or sweets for an omnipotent deity seems to be an exercise in futility. Do you really think God cares? Sorry, but doing something that's good for you doesn't seem much of a sacrifice; and shouldn't you be doing it all the time anyway?

So it's really not a sacrifice.

OK, now I'm really confused!

Can someone explain this to me in a way in which it doesn't sound crazy?


Sean Wright said...

No, that's pretty much it as I understand it.

Poodles said...

Um, No. I wish I had more. My husband is catholic so he does the whole fish on fridays thing, but that is it.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is crazy so it's pretty much impossible to explain it in a non-crazy way.

Anonymous said...

its based on how God was tempted by the devil in the desert for 40 days. its not supposed to be a diet or anything specifically good for you, you are supposed to give up something you love for 40 days and everytime you crave that thing it should remind you of His sacrifices. i guess you could say you should do this all the time, but its kinda like valentines day in the way that its just one special time to think about this one particular aspect of religion. the message does get lost a lot of the times when people don't really listen to whats going on and blindly follow their "faith." this is my methodist p.o.v. i know catholics do the no-red-meat-fridays but im not sure why. anywho, hoped this helped. unless of course you are atheist and were just being facetious.

The Super Sweet Atheist said...


In case you didn't read any other thing on my blog I'll let you in on something you might not have caught on to: I am an atheist.

I wasn't being facetious when I asked this question. I really am interested in an explanation that doesn't sound crazy. I'm afraid your post wasn't successful.