Saturday, October 4, 2008

My opinion on the VP debate

So far major media has Biden winning by a substantial margin. There is a good reason for this. Mr Biden, although many thought he was boring, presented facts in a professional way and corrected Mrs Palin over and over again when she tried to lie to the American voters. She tried her best to stir the debate away from McCain's mcsame record as the current president by being folksy and cute: "Say it ain't so, Joe. There you go pointing backwards again." He was pointing backwards because that's where we'll be going under another Republican administration.

I'm sorry but all that winking and using folksy language was unprofessional. If she's like this with us then she'll be like that with world leaders and diplomats. It might look good to the masses but world leaders will expect professionalism. She has yet to show that side to us. I cringed and felt bad for her every time she said "ain't" and winked. (BTW, I believe I counted 5 winks, who does that at board meetings?)

Was Mr Biden boring? I didn't think so. But if others thought he was boring at least he was honest. Mrs Palin was a cute, winking liar and I'm amazed that Christians love her so. (I thought not lying was a rule. Perhaps I'm wrong.) Being that she's a conservative Pentecostal Christian I'm surprised that she accepted this position with 5 kids and a special needs baby. As a concerned mother, instead of forcing an 18 year old hockey player to marry her pregnant 17 year old daughter, she should've had him thrown in jail for rape.

Only one thing I have to say about Mr McCain. He is a warmonger and I know you conservative Christians like war, but think about how these current conflicts are bankrupting us. It's not a good idea. We cannot be the world's police force anymore. Mrs Palin and Mr McCain both say that negotiating with unfriendly world leaders without preconditions is not a good idea, and that's not what Obama/Biden are suggesting, but I don't see a problem with it. I think if our leaders are willing to meet on good terms with unfriendly world leaders it just might make us look eager for compromise or resolution. Threatening unfriendly countries with sanctions and force has not and does not work.

Taxes. They are going to be raised no matter who is in office. We have to pay for these wars and the bailout. I'm willing to sacrifice, like those did in WWII, to make our country great again.

This is what one of my relatives had to say the day after the debate:
What a great debate last night. Sarah did wonderful and seemed she was a vice president all her life. She certainly has a smooth way about her and does not get ruffled in the least. Our prayers were answered, Praise God. We do need to be in constant prayer and praise to our wonderful Father in Heaven. It is going to take a long time to get out of this mess as it took a long time to get into **** back to President Carter's presidency.

There's no talking to people who hold this kind of opinion. They can't see the lies or they think with God on their side there are no lies. It's difficult not to say anything but in this case I chose not to respond. Their minds are closed and nothing can make them change their minds. It's tragic that much of our country is made up of people who are proud to be this way.


DB said...

The only thing I learned from this debate is how little respect I have for people who actually think she "won" by simply not screwing up. Talk about low standards!

Anonymous said...

only saw a bit of this debate, but couldn't help noticing palin's weird smile. one of those condescending "I'm smarter than you" smug smiles (but she's not).
Biden did seem fairly restrained, others have said he was possibly being 'politically correct'. not going after the jugular because palin is a women?

The Super Sweet Atheist said...

ozathesit, Biden had to be very careful not to look like he was beating up on the poor defenseless woman. I believe he succeeded.

Besides, she came off pretty tough, didn't she?

tina FCD said...

That woman is looking down her nose at us. A strange woman to be sure.