Wednesday, May 16, 2007

All is good

I wrote earlier in the week about how I got caught in a hailstorm whilst at a small party. The hailstones were about dime to quarter size and I had hoped my little car was spared any damage. As I was washing her later I discovered four large dents and many smalls dings, mostly on the hood. I was heartbroken since I take very special care by parking away from people and being conscious of my surroundings most of the time.

After talking to the dealership they suggested that I go to a different place where they have a service set up specifically for this kind of damage. My appointment was this morning and the estimate was much less than I anticipated. After working on my car for about an hour Joey (super cool guy) returned my car to her original state. He even buffed out some tiny but noticeable scratches.

All is fine in my little world now, and yes I am that easy.


Yulacu said...

Glad to hear things worked out well with your car.

"All is fine in my little world now, and yes I am that easy."'s better than having a painfully difficult personality.

tina FCD said...

The Alpha>lol!
Glad everything came out ok.