Monday, May 14, 2007

As I watched this video the middle part of it made me so angry that I cried. Those young people are not fighting for us. We are not safer now than before. The terrorists are NOT coming here and don't have the resources to take our country away from us. They may come here in small numbers and kill a few of us like on 9-11, but the cost is too high to keep them away. I'd rather have all my liberties intact, be protected on our shores, and take a chance on getting killed here than worry about my rights being taken away by a government that lies to me.

Yes, I support the troops enough to want them all home, safe and sound, now!


tina FCD said...

That was sad at the funerals. I do agree with you too. I used to think that we were being protected by what Bush is doing, but I got wise fast! Smile)

Unknown said...

Touching vid. I would wager, though, that it was someones self-stylized propaganda video (however well intentioned).

But that's me the cynic.

I don't support the military. I feel for the individuals who have to put up with the crap who serve. Who have to follow orders without question. Even if it involves something based on a lie.

BTW, I recently heard that the DOD is going to start cracking down on soldiers who are blogging.

The Super Sweet Atheist said...

I suspect you are right, Larro. Propaganda, but it still hit my heart. I'm going to be more diligent about letting these things affect me. I hate people controlling my emotions in this way.