Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Video about the Rise of the Moral Majority

From www.theocracywatch.org


fubarmonkey said...

It was working earlier but now it seems its broken. :( I didn't get to see the whole video earlier (the school's wifi sucks).

tina FCD said...

Okay, I took notes on this one, it was pretty long. But it had an important message to give us.
Charles Stanley says that the xtians have to target the satanic assault on xtianity. To me, the people that say these things are just plain nuts! Oh my science! What gives them the right to take xtianity out of the church and inject it into our political sphere? If prayer works as some say, why not pray in church to make these things happen?
The xtians were protesting a child abuse law...they say the blueness of the wound is normal biblical discipline. A man had beat his daughter and they were defending his actions?
Xtians say that children are key to their plans? The xtian school that they showed on the video seemed more like a cult leader droning on about how they need to follow god's word and teaches the children to be intolerant. Are we just to sit by and say nothing? Why is it that we can't question religion and it's craziness without people thinking we are satan worshippers?
And now on to the teacher in the video. Mr.Michael Bowden. This went too far,banning books. The guy at the microphone who brought up the Berlin burning of the books is right on target! I was disgusted enough at the banning of the books, but when it showed children burning books, it made me want to shake those adults and ask them what the hell were they thinking??
It just gets more depressing everyday. My children were taught to think for themselves. I am not looking forward to having discrimination against women again,execution of homosexuals,reading the bible in school,banning books and burning them or telling us what we can read and not read. If xtians are trying to ban books in schools why would we not ban the bible from schools? Weird if you think of it that way.It has murder,slavery,oppression of women,stoning people,mass murder,killing your children,it sounds like a horror novel. And xtians wanted Harry Potter banned from schools!

Toni said...

Thanks for stopping by my rants! This is a great blog. I love the story about your aunt. Some people can't see past the nose on their face.

fubarmonkey said...

An episode of the very now defunct show "Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman" where the town pastor went on a religious banning spree. At the end of the episode, Dr. Quinn asked the pastor to ban one more book that include unspeakable acts of violence, bigotry, incest, rape, and genocide. When the pastor of course agreed he asked her to name the book, to which she simply say "the Bible."

I might be remembering it a bit off but that was the gist. I remember bursting out laughing and mentally saying to myself "Yeah! Stick it to the man!" :p

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Texas should have seceded from the Union a LONG time ago!