Sunday, June 17, 2007

Letter from my sister and my response

Just when I thought I was out of the woods when I get this email from my sister. This is in response to this email.

Just cruising my email when this string caught my attention.
A polite observation.
Mom stated "I think prayer is the only answer!!!"
The comment you made that "This is hugely incorrect" could be perceived as an "attack" on her right to believe in the power of prayer.
Please re-read some of your context and consider that at times your tone could come across as intolerant, even somewhat disrespectful, of God fearing Christians (myself included) and their great strength in their beliefs. I do not believe that is your intent.
Just a thought...
Have a GREAT week you two!
Love ya,

Lots of things are going through my mind when I read this. One is how politically correct Sister is being. It's annoying and looks disrespectful in an arrogant sort of way. Another annoying thing is how she scolds me for being a bad girl to our mother, to a 68 year old woman who can take care of herself. I know Sister means well and doesn't want to ruffle any feathers, but jeez....

And why are God fearing Christians so thin-skinned?

My answer to her is as follows. Did I get the PC level correct, I wonder?

Thanks for your thoughtful and polite reply, but I must respectfully disagree once again. What mom said was: "I think prayer is the only answer!!!" I was responding, correctly if I might add, to that context.

I read and reread that email before sending it to make sure that I was addressing the point that prayer need not be the only thing to do. I also wanted to point out that depending on one's goals, perhaps praying for peace isn't the only prayer being offered, and according to the Bible, may also be considered by your God. Some Christians actually think, and some of them are on our email list, that this war in Iraq is a Holy War, one straight from the scriptures. Those are the ones praying that this war continues, a point I thought was worth making.

Since I quoted correctly from the Bible and did not take it out of context why would a Christian think I was intolerant of their beliefs? Didn't I offer up a question that all Christians struggle with? Why prayers seem to not get answered even when your God promises to answer them according to Matthew 21:22: And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive? What is it about this verse that I misrepresented?

I think that you are reading too much into that email. In no way did I "attack" Mom's right to believe in the power of prayer. I merely suggested that there are other options she and others perhaps didn't think of.

Sister, my atheism is no secret. I've had many email conversations with almost everyone on this list about it. In fact, many have written me privately that I've made valid points about other subjects (not religion) that they previously didn't think about. Cousin from CA and I both have very different ideas from most of the group. I don't delude myself in thinking anyone is going to change their minds (I'm not referring to religion here, I'm talking about the war or other things) but I hope to get people to think a minute longer about their position. That is all I hope for.

Anyway, I never heard from anyone else about that email so I'm sure no one perceived it as an "attack" on their right to pray. Thanks for your concern, but it is unheeded. I do not haphazardly send email out without making sure it stands up to scrutiny. For example, I checked for accuracy on the Biblical reference and even read it several verses ahead and behind to make sure the context was correct.

I'm actually very happy to get a response from you. I hope you reread that email in a different light and perhaps write your congressperson about getting us out of Iraq in addition to praying for it. Just a thought....

BTW, you are correct in assuming that my intent was not disrespectful to anyone and, I might add, it never is.

If you still have concerns about that or any other email please feel free to contact me to discuss it. I am open for suggestions and constructive criticism.

I hope you had a WONDERFUL weekend as well.

I don't feel like I walked on egg-shells around her, but I didn't take up the fact that, although I respect her right to believe, I don't respect her beliefs. She most definitely would've been offended by that. That's a subject for another day.


Sean Wright said...

Sounds pretty even handed to me.

tina FCD said...

I agree.

Toni said...

You should have suggested next time she has a response for you that perhaps she could pray for that response to get e-mailed to you. Let me know how that works out?

I'm sorry, my sarcasm fairy isn't stopping me today.

Tommykey said...

The Christians believe the God they worship is the creator of the universe and is all powerful and omnipotent, and therefore we can assume is supremely confident and self-assured, and yet just let an atheist be outspoken in their criticism and its like "How dare you say such things!"