Friday, July 20, 2007

More from fundy relative

This morning I wrote to my relatives about our Houston weather:
It's raining again today (yesterday too, and the day before, etc.) and we have high chances of rain all weekend and the rest of next week. Try as I will to get God into the picture, I just can't. Why would he send us all this rain when other God-fearing folks on this list need it more? Why send us so much when we have a tremendous West Nile carrying mosquito problem? Oh, that's right, he works in mysterious ways. That old excuse still doesn't make sense to me. It's much easier to realize that weather patterns are as they are and no amount of wishful thinking is going to change them. Sigh.
I got this in response to that letter:
So sorry about the rain you all have been getting. We really could use some of it here. Believe it or not, I believe in the laws of nature. I just believe that God put them in place, not evolution. And it's certainly an imperfect world!
To which I wrote back:
The reason it is an imperfect world is because of the forces within the theory of evolution and the laws of physics. It's really beautifully simple and doesn't need an intelligent designer at all.

I'm surprised, as a teacher (she homeschools, that's another issue), that you take this attitude. I know you're a Christian first, but aren't you the least bit interested in the facts and data that supports the thing you can't/won't believe? My offer to provide you with web sites to educated you still stands.

BTW, I know lots of Christians that support evolution. Dr. Francis Collins is head of the Human Genome Project and is a staunch Christian.

Help me to understand exactly where you're coming from. Since you don't believe in evolution, does that mean you think the world was created in it's current form with it's current plants and animals 6,000 years ago? Or do you believe, as Dr. Collins does, that everything science says about the universe is correct (or least as correct as we can get with current technology) and that God tweaked it every so often to get it to its current form? Just curious.

I would still like to see this evidence that proves God created everything. I've asked you and a host of other people and have yet to be provided with any. With all this wonderful, amazing information out there why do you people continue to keep closed-minded about it? What are you afraid of?


Sean Wright said...

I often wonder when Fundies despute evolution or the biological sciences do they ever think about physics - "Oh yeah the theory of Gravity is just a theory".

Good luck to you Summer.

Fiery said...

They cling to that word "theory" and use it in disparaging tones as if it is synonymous with the word "idea".

"I have a theory about what happened"... in every day speak means the same as "I have an idea about what happened".

Little do they realize how foolish they sound when they betray their ignorance and cling to their faith.