The fool has said in his heart,
"There is no God." They are corrupt,
their deeds are vile; there is
no one who does good.
Psalms is a wonderful place to mine positive, warm and fuzzy verses, but it contains this one that gives christians permission to judge and hate someone like me. I know for a fact that there are family members who hate me because I am an atheist. Guess what? They didn't hate me before they found out, but once they did, they couldn't (and didn't have to) hide the hate any longer. Because of this well-known verse (it gets passed around as an email hoax near April 1 to poke fun at atheists. Claiming that this verse proves that April 1 is Atheist Day. Get it? April Fool's Day! Anyway, I'm sure it was a nice, well meaning Christian who thought up that precious tidbit.) atheists have to hide their lack of belief for fear of retribution at their jobs and/or communities. This is one of the main reasons I hold my head high when I state I'm an atheist, to prove this verse is untrue and demeaning to decent unbelievers like me.
Have a great day!
The bible - 5% mediocre 95% absolute crap.
Some Christians get upset about books that make god look like a delusion, but they will happily quote Psalms 14:1 when it suits them. Seems hypocritical to me.
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