Saturday, February 2, 2008

Going to see Expelled?

Read this first.

This article pulls no punches. It also makes one wonder: When are these seemingly intelligent people going to "get it" about creationism? I'm surprised, disappointed and, frankly, confused as to why reality and truth doesn't set well with them. My biggest problem is the lying. The information on evolution is so easy to get that there is no excuse (other than lying for Jesus, which is OK I suppose) for this lack of knowledge on their part.

I see this stubbornness within my fundy relatives too. I'm beginning to think they're just lazy and thinking "God dun it" is easier.

Which is it fundies? Too lazy or is it too hard for you to understand?


tina FCD said...

I couldn't access the first link?

The Super Sweet Atheist said...

Fixed it. Try again!

Tex's Missus said...

I think their unwillingness to consider anything else is borne of fear; fear of finding out the truth and what that would do to the very fabric of their lives; especially, if like a lot of Christians, many of them have built their whole lives around their religious "principles". Okay, maybe a bit melodramatic, but I honestly think many of them do occasionally think about it, but the fear of having everything they've believed thrown on its head, is just too much for them.

Could be wrong, just my 2cents worth :)

The Super Sweet Atheist said...

Tex's missus: You not wrong, and I don't think I'm wrong either. For some people it is laziness as I've actually heard members of my family say as much. But for others the fear is so entrenched that they don't realize that's it fear that holds them back from learning what biology has revealed to us over 100 years ago.

That post was more about my frustration level than about what fundies can't and won't learn.

Tex's Missus said...

You are absolutely right Squirrel; sorry I wasn't suggesting that fear is the only reason. I can understand your frustration with people who at least won't entertain the thought that there is another explanation. It was a very interesting post.

The Super Sweet Atheist said...

Missus, no problem. I knew what you were getting at. You're comment made me think beyond that little box frustration had put me in. Thanks!