Yesterday I spent the day with Brother and Niece at the water park. We all had a great time! Brother talked me into going down a slide called "The Texas Free Fall." It's a slide that is about 4 stories high and goes down at about an 75 degree angle before it levels out. Standing at the top I felt my intestines get tight as I looked over the edge. Well, I told myself, you only live once and I'd regret it if I didn't try it. Brother assured me it was safe and, other than the height, it looked very safe. As I ventured out over the edge and pushed my body passed the point of no return, as my body fell thru the water buffeting back and forth on the slide, I felt a rush that I never want to feel again! It was not fun, and the bikini wedgie at the end was extremely uncomfortable. Anyway, no regrets and I'm glad I did it! Oh, and I lived thru it too. Extra bonus!
Our neighborhood has a very active ladies group and occasionally we meet at someone's house to cook dinner and drink wine. I've been to several of them and the company and food at all very good. At this Thursday night's party the subject of the Iraq War came up and the discussion got serious. You see, most of us have either traveled extensively and/or originated from other countries so the point of view is from a bit on the left side of center. I even met another atheist there, which was hugely refreshing! Anyway, all of the ladies there felt we should get out of Iraq now and not let our troops be in harm's way for the folly of an immoral president.
You are a brunette ;) Still trying to purchase a mankini for y'all.
Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Keep showing those swimsuit pics and you are going to have to have one of those IF you are under 18 click here to exit and if you are over 18 click here to enter intros!
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