Yes, I'm related to people who vehemently believe in Jesus and will get crazy angry if Christianity is questioned. Here's one example.
Several years ago I was involved in a family email list. My Dad started it and I thought it'd be fun to join and contribute. The people in this list were mainly cousins, his sister, a couple of nieces, and other close family members on my mother's side. I grew up around my mother's family and had several cousins the same age as myself and my sister. One of these cousins and her mother, my aunt, who is also my mother's twin sister, is a slave for Jesus. I kid you not.
As time went by I became amazed at the things that would be attributed to God from some of these people.
An easy time getting paid after totaling a car would be credited to God. Another would suffer an extremely minor injury after being involved in a one-car roll over accident and God's hand was there. You get the idea. Most of the time it was ignored or simply not acknowledged within group, but there were a few that would give a "Hallelujah" or an "Amen." I finally couldn't ignore it any longer and commented one time that it was too bad that God didn't interfere a few seconds before an incident in question to prevent it from occurring in the first place. I mean, WTF!
I got several different kinds of responses. Some informed me that God works in mysterious ways and who are we to question? Others stated that God works thru others to ease our way thru life. One in particular got angry, my mother's twin sister's daughter who is a slave for Jesus. My cousin was mad, writing in all caps with multiple exclamation points. Everything from bad spelling to poor grammar was pouring into these scathing emails. I was shocked, to say the least. This was around the time I had discovered I was an atheist and still trying to find my way through tons of research. This was also about 3 weeks before my father died from lung cancer. Poor timing on her part, but I'm sure she was thinking it was a great time to snare me in the clutches of Christianity. After all, I was having a life crisis, perfect time to use the promise of heaven to comfort me. When she was done I had no doubts about religion's role in my life. I was finished. She and other's like her reinforce my atheism daily.
Here's a question I always wanted answered: If God is so powerful and Christianity is so perfect, why do Christians get so angry when we question their religion. Something's up there. Perhaps deep in their heart they realize they are standing on shifting sand.
I think it's because they all know deep down that when it comes right down to it, they can't support their religion with anything more than feelings and faith.
I'm sure it gives them warm fuzzies to think things like, "God guided the pen of my insurance adjuster to a quick and fair settlement" as an unconscious way to boost their ego about how great a Christian they are. It makes justified with their feelings of moral superiority over us godless heathens, and makes them feel favored by God, when, in the end, they must be wondering why God would take time out of his schedule to help them get money when people are dying from natural disasters all over the world.
I seriously cannot fathom how the mind of a believer works. I know it must be comforting to thing you're going to live forever if you can just get rid of this fleshy body, but I just can't make mind process those kinds of absurdities.
I definitely have people like this in MY family! And do you mind if I steal ideas from your blogs? They are so much like what I go through sometimes.I have an account on Yahoo 360 but it's petering out, hardly anyone blogs or comments anymore. I will definitely be back here. My sister claimed that the devil gave her (lets just say, a bad stomach ache)so she couldn't go to church.Weird!
Hi Tina and welcome. I'm hoping by publishing my story on this blog that I'll be helping other atheists. Please feel free to use any ideas you can gleem from my site. Thanks!
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